”Voltura” term originates from "volto" which is the past participle of the verb "to turn."
In the past, it was used as a synonym for revolution.

Our approach to showcase the island is revolutionary.
Our aim is to inspire and be inspired.
We are nomads with established roots, yet our suitcase remains ever-ready.
The sea that surrounds us is a resource, not a limit and we treat it as such.
We are a community that values social ecosystems.
Immersed in creative energies, we embrace moments of reflection and believe in visualization and manifestation.
While our focus acknowledges the past, our existence thrives in the “here and now”.
We produce imaginery with respect for the island we proudly call home.

Our commitment

At Voltura Sardinia, we recognize the profound impact that our operations can have on the environment, especially considering our unique surrounded by nature locations af the pristine island of Sardinia. Committed to fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature, we are rooted in the principles of synchrony to guide our production processes towards environmental stewardship.

We support

National and international Production companies that want to give their clients a sustainable production service on the island;

Talents, artists, musicians who believe their impact in content creation can be reduced or compensated due to eco-committed actions;

Brands, no matter the business volume, looking for Sardinian locations to shoot their campaigns keen to re-investing a small part of the production budget in documenting/filming sustainable actions that will be used as added value to promote their products;

Young Sardinia based talents up to invest their creativity and time to give some love back to the island.

— “To know and not to do is not to know” - Wang Yang Ming

To know and to do

  1. Environmental Policy:

  • We are dedicated to complying with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations, striving to exceed the standards set forth.

  • Implementing a robust environmental management system, we seek continuous improvement in our environmental performance.

  • Implementing a policy to power down equipment and lights during non-production hours.

  • Establishing a comprehensive recycling program for materials like paper, plastic, and glass within the production facility.

  • Proposing our clients to invest part of their budget to sardinian shore cleaning, plant trees and create filming content to show the impact their actions have had.

2. Nature Preservation:

  • Acknowledging the ecological significance of Sardinia, we commit to preserving local biodiversity and protecting natural habitats.

  • Our production processes is designed to minimize impact on the delicate ecosystems surrounding us.

  • Calculating the company's carbon footprint and investing in verified carbon offset projects to neutralize emissions.

  • Supporting local environmental initiatives and conservation projects to contribute positively to the community.

3. Resource Efficiency:

  • Embracing sustainable practices to optimize resource utilization, striving to minimize waste generation and energy consumption.

  • We continuously innovating to identify and implement eco-friendly technologies and processes.

  • Minimizing excess packaging and opting for eco-friendly packaging materials.

  • Encouraging the return and reuse of packaging materials whenever possible.

6. Biodiversity conservation:

  • Creating green spaces within the production facility to promote biodiversity and provide a positive impact on local ecosystems.

  • Engaging in local conservation projects or tree-planting initiatives to offset environmental impact.

  • Encouraging partnerships with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.

7. Circular Economy:

  • Embracing a circular economy model, we commit to reducing, reusing, and recycling materials throughout our production lifecycle.

  • Encourage partnerships with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.

  • Encouraging the use of reusable containers and utensils in production areas to minimize single-use plastic waste.

8. Community Engagement:

  • We actively involve the local community in our sustainability efforts, fostering partnerships to address environmental challenges collectively.

  •   We share knowledge and promote environmental awareness to inspire positive actions within the community.

9. Green Innovation:

  • We encourage a culture of innovation among our team members to constantly explore and adopt sustainable solutions.

10. Carbon Neutrality:

  • We set ambitious targets to reduce our carbon footprint and actively work towards achieving carbon neutrality within a defined timeframe.

  • We explore carbon offset initiatives that contribute to environmental conservation projects.

11. Continuous Improvement:

  • Regularly assess our environmental performance, seeking feedback from stakeholders, and incorporating lessons learned into our sustainability strategy.

12. Transparent Communication:

  •   Maintain open and transparent communication sharing our sustainability goals, progress, and challenges.

  •   Encourage feedback from collaborators, customers, and the community to enhance our sustainability initiatives.

13. Ethical Supply Chain:

  • Collaborating with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability, ensuring that our supply chain aligns with our environmental values. 

  • Sourcing catering supplies from local vendors who specialize in seasonal, fresh mediterranean produce, ensuring a harmonious blend of culinary excellence and environmental responsibility in every aspect of our operations.

  • Encouraging fair labor practices and responsible sourcing throughout our supply chain.

At Voltura Sardinia we recognize the interconnectedness of our actions and their impact on Sardinia's natural beauty. By adopting and championing the principles outlined in this manifesto, we aspire to be a beacon of sustainability, contributing to the preservation of our island's unique ecosystems for generations to come.

Together, let us build a future where nature and industry coexist harmoniously.